Monday, January 07, 2008

Trying to work that resolution...

Alright! It hasn't been weeks (or more) since the last post. I'm doing my best to keep my resolution to keep the blog updated. Also, unless you directly bookmark the blog you have probably noticed something new on your way into the blog. After too long a time I finished getting the website revamped and got it online. Take a look around and please let me know what you think. If you like it, let me know and even if there are things you aren't wild about, please let me know that as well. And if you see a horrible typo...well you just need to put a high priority on that email!

Now, in the cute puppy department we have Gunner. Gunner is a 14 week old German Shorthaired Pointer owned by a friend I used to work with. My friend Nick is in the process of training Gunner to work birds, it's what these dogs love to do. Nick already has one great dog, Cooper, who he has trained and I'm looking forward to chronicling Gunner as he progresses. So for today I leave you with a couple of quick shots from my morning with Nick and his dogs, as well as a fun snapshot of Nick, his son, and Gunner. Something tells me those two are going to be long time pals!