Wednesday, August 20, 2008

As seen in Orange Magazine

Hi folks, it's been a while since I updated you on my magazine work. As I mentioned a while back I am one of the photographers that works with Orange Magazine. If you haven't seen it you should check it out. There is a list of where you can get it on the Orange Magazine web site.

I was fortunate enough to have one of my images featured on the cover of the current edition. It was part of a story we had done about motorcycling in the Orange County area. We had a blast shooting the story and as a motorcycle rider myself, it was even more fun.


The magazine is primarily about Orange County and the people who live here. There is also a place where you can nominate yourself or a friend as part of the "I Am Orange County" feature that the magazine does every issue. That is always one of the best parts of the magazine for me because you get to see a wonderful range of people who make this area what it is.

And right now they have a recipe contest going on so if you have a special recipe you want to share, send it in!