Monday, April 16, 2007

A Wet Welcome...

Well, as I am trying to get everything settled up here in NY I am finding that Mother Nature isn't going to be giving me much help. At least not in the near future. In the past couple of days we've had about five inches of rain and that has really made a mess of things. Sure, it could be worse, it could have been snow! The gurus say that it would have been like four or five feet of snow. Fun, fun, fun....

Anyway, I was doing some driving around today because cabin fever was setting in and thought I'd take a few quick shots to show you all what you are missing up here.


Drivers make their way through a flooded section of Route 17K just west of Montgomery, New York. The recent storms have brought over five inches of rain to the area leaving many roads flooded or impassable.

The flooded paddocks of this horse farm west of Montgomery, New York are evidence of the amount of rain the area has received recently.