Monday, July 17, 2006

Dell-Winston School Solar Car Challenge

I had the opportunity today to go out to Texas Motor Speedway and see teams from all over, including internationally, compete in the first day of the Dell-Winston School Solar Car Challenge. We certainly had plenty of sun for them!

These kids build these cars and then they compete against the other teams. One of the main points is to see who can go the furthest in the alloted time. Sounds like the fastest would always be the winner, but that isn't always the case. If your car doesn't hold together and you fail to finish the time, you don't get credit for your distance. Kind of like the old tortise and the hare story.....

If you want to learn more about this event, go to Dell-Winston Solar Car Challenge

It was a fun time. Hot, but fun!

P.S. Angela - Here is a link to your slides! Album Sides