Next option, the train. Again, another early wake up because it's a two hour ride plus all the train schedule hassle.
And then my personal favorite. Go in the night before, see friends and make a fun trip of it! Sure this one is a bit more expensive but it's a great excuse to make your friends hop the subway to Times Square (the locals never go there unless they have to) and have some fun.
Now I try to be as frugal as the next person so I keep track of frequent flier miles and use cards that give me rewards points and so on. Well last night I got a huge payoff! For some reason which is unknown and will likely never ever happen again, the W Hotel saw fit to not only give me a room for my points, but that room was one of their suites! Sure it was extra points, but who the heck cares?! I mean really, a swanky corner room overlooking Times Square on points! That's unheard of! Anyway, it was really fun to be able to hook up with an old friend, grab some dinner and then retire to the sitting room and chat as we looked down on the lights of the city from the 52nd floor. Anyway, here are a couple of camera phone snapshots from the room. Between the glass and the one inch window opening (no jumpers please) I did what I could...
Times Square at night
Looking down out of the window. I mean you just have to snap one of these don't you?...
Oh yeah, the equipment demonstration was good also!