Monday, September 04, 2006

Surreal Landscape

Well, I was playing around with my infrared converted camera a bit during this trip to NY. Infrared film has been around for quite some time as has infrared filters for film and digital cameras. These filters allow for some interesting effects but they are kind of tough to use. Enter the converted digital camera. Long story short, on some cameras you can do some "surgery" that allows you to take pictures of the infrared light spectrum. "Why?" you ask. Well, because you can I guess is the best answer. No, really you can get some neat effects and the huge bonus digital conversion gives you is the ability to handhold the camera and shoot more of less normally. Using filters it is next to impossible to do this.

Anyway, I'm beginning the journey to use my new camera effectively. Like any new piece of equipment it takes some use to get the hang of it. Here's a quick shot from today's attempt. Nothing special, but it was a lot of fun!

The overlook on Highway 52 near Ellenville, NY.